DMOZ listing: Smartest way increase page rankings!

Websites strive hard to get listed on authentic online directories. DMOZ is most valued online directory, on which all websites die to get listed. An open directory, is online platform on which people post their website listings. It hierarchically arranges listings of various sites systematically under specific categories. Consequently, for websites to get listed on DMOZ is a nerve-racking task. It is respected by all major search engines like Google, Msn, Yahoo, Bing, and many others. DMOZ listing is considered as one of the most crucial and vital SEO techniques. Continue reading

Directory Submission Service: Effective, Easiest and affordable SEO tool

In this colossal world of internet, it is vital for any company to maintain an active online presence. With advancement in technology, people have got an easy access to internet, and they information in just few clicks. Companies spend on online marketing services as they don’t want to lose on customers, because they aren’t present online. With clutter and competition for better visibility, among websites, forums, pages, blogs, social networking sites and many more, it is highly essential to employ SEO and other online marketing techniques. Directory submission is one of the best proven processes for gaining quality one-way incoming back links.

SEO - Directory Submission

Directory Submission Service

Directory submission service is the simplest and easy way of link-building. It involves submitting your websites’ content on various free web directories with the right information. It is highly important to submit correct URL, description, title and other details about the website or pages on these web directories, within the appropriate category. A Web directory is a comprehensive resource where various websites are listed under different categories. Web Directories have two major benefits. Firstly, it helps visitors to view a number of relevant sites related to his search and secondly it considers websites’ URL as backlinks by increasing website rankings. Therefore, it helps companies to create free online publicity as it increases their page rank and their search engine rankings. Directory submission service is one way of link building. Continue reading